

New!!新しい時代の英語教育へDoTTS English


交流文化学科(Department of Tourism and Transnational Studies, DoTTS)は、変化する時代と世界に適した「交流文化の英語――DoTTS English」を構想し、新たなカリキュラムと科目群を提供します。

ここでは、少人数の座談会形式でディスカッションするRoundtable Discussion、さまざまなテーマについての討論会やプレゼンテーションをおこなうDokkyo DoTTS English Forum、英語の世界の奥深さを探究するWonders of the English Language、観光産業やホスピタリティの仕事に適した実務的な英語を学ぶEnglish for Tourism and Hospitality、そして英語を通じて世界を学ぶIntroduction to Culture and Life Around the Worldなど、本学科オリジナルの英語科目の代表例をご紹介します。

  • Roundtable Discussion I/II(1年次)

    DoTTS is proud to announce the start of the Roundtable Discussion class for the new curriculum. This course is unique in that there are only 10-12 students in each class…all seated in a small circle. Under the guidance of an instructor, students discuss engaging topics, and work to improve their fluency in spoken English. It’s a stepping stone to more advanced English classes and more fluency in English!

  • Dokkyo DoTTS English Forum I/II(2年次)

    All second-year students will have this fantastic opportunity to significantly enhance their English-speaking skills in this class. Building upon the speaking skills acquired in the RT I/II classes, you will be able to speak English freely under that guidance of your teacher. So get ready to use English and discuss the topics of the day with friends. You’ll most certainly enjoy presenting your ideas in English in this advanced class.

  • Introduction to Culture and Life Around the World I/II(1年次)

    First-year students will encounter universal themes found in cultures around the world as expressed in myths, fables and stories as told to children. Lectures, readings, discussions, and presentations will be the ways in which students engage with each other and the material presented throughout the course. Themes that will be addressed include the beginning of our world, family, relationships, success and failure as well as others.

  • Wonders of the English Language I/II(2年次以降)


  • English for Tourism and Hospitality I/II/III/IV(2年次以降、選択科目)


  • さらに多様な科目がリニューアル!

    • ・English in Films
    • ・English for Media Literacy
    • ・Japanese Art History
    • ・Discussion and Presentation
    • ・Debate and Public Speaking I/II
    • などなど

Diversity through Literacy and Communication




